The people of Vancouver have spoken: Safety is a right.

To that end, the Vancouver Police Union (VPU) would like to congratulate the new mayor of Vancouver, Ken Sim and his majority victory on council, school board and park board.  Their commitment to hiring more police officers and reinstating student liaison officers are critical steps to restoring and improving safety for all Vancouverites, including the membership of the VPU. 


This was a campaign focused on change at city hall and voters recognized we couldn’t afford to continue down a path that led to an unlivable and unsafe community. On victory night mayor-elect Sim said he would requisition 100 new police officers on day one. This is welcome news. The VPU has been operating with staff shortages while navigating an increased need for our services. 


Congratulations to Ken Sim and ABC. We thank him for his commitment to safety and look forward to working with him. 

Ralph Kaisers 


Vancouver Police Union